During the month of August, the Japanese Deep Cave Adventurers’ Guild sponsored its first challenge, the Beginner’s Immersion Challenge. About a dozen people signed up for the challenge, and everyone did very well.* We will be hosting that challenge again during the month of September. The prize for the winner of the Beginner’s Challenge will again be 1 Gem.
Additionally, in September, the Guild will host an additional, level up challenge. This challenge will be similar to the Beginner’s Challenge, but will take it to the next level. The details of this challenge are as follows:
Watch 3 episodes of Anime during the month, slowly, using Japanese subtitles. Cure Dolly wrote a very good article about using Anime to study Japanese which can be found here.
The Daily for this challenge will be the same as for the Beginner’s Immersion Challenge, listening to a story or anime episode in Japanese.
In addition to the daily of listening to Japanese, there will be a Habit of extra listening. For this level up challenge, one can listen to as many stories or episodes in a day as one likes, and they will all count towards the challenge.
As with the Beginner’s Immersion Challenge, writing tasks on HabitRPG in Japanese will also be a positive habit for bonuses, and which will count toward the challenge. Changing a task from English to Japanese will count towards this Habit. It will also count if one edits a previously written task from incorrect Japanese to correct Japanese.
Reward (not exactly a “reward”):
As this is a level-up challenge, we will be taking another step towards making HabitRPG an immersion environment. In the level up challenge, participants will still be allowed to write their tasks in English if they wish; however, for this challenge there will be a cost to it. This challenge will include a “reward” of 5 GP to write a new task in English. Of course, this only applies to tasks that are written by the participant, and not to tasks that come from other HabitRPG Challenges.
Here is what the challenge will look like on HabitRPG:
初心者の集中訓練の挑戦 -レベルアップ
日本語の字幕でアニメを1話見る (“Watch one episode of Anime, using Japanese subtitles”) (x3)
日本語を聞く (“Listen to Japanese”)
+ 余分な日本語の聞いている (Extra Japanese listening)
+ 日本語で新しいHabitRPGの用事を書く (“Write new HabitRPG task using Japanese”)
5GP 英語で新しいHabitRPGの用事を書く (“Write new HabitRPG task using English”)
The winner of the Level Up Challenge will receive 2 Gems.
Both Challenges will start on September 6, 2014 and end on October 6, 2014.
Good luck!
*If you signed up for the challenge in August, there should be a broken megaphone on the tag for the challenge. When you click the megaphone, it should allow you to remove the tasks from the August challenge, if you would like. If you are participating in either one of the September challenges, it is probably a good idea to remove the tasks from the August challenge, so as not to have the tasks doubled on your lists.