Here are the download links to the worksheets Cure Dolly produced covering points from the first six lessons of the Organic Japanese Structure Course. These are pdf files. If you click them, they will appear on your device.
Category Archives: Basic Japanese
Japanese Adjectives: the inside secrets that make the whole thing easy
My whole enterprise of unlocking Japanese started with Japanese adjectives!
My short explanation of the so-called i- and na- adjectives proved so popular that I turned it into a video. It tells you four facts that you need to know about Japanese adjectives – not one of which the standard textbooks and Japanese learning sites ever tell you.
It’s kind of amazing. These are the basic things you have to know in order to use Japanese adjectives properly and the standard teaching methods just leave you to half-intuit them. If you’re lucky you do, and if you’re not lucky – well hard luck.
So we cleared that up a few years ago. Made the video last year. Why a new Japanese adjectives video now?
Well the last one starts off from the “i-adjectives and na-adjectives” notion of the standard textbook explanations. And it finally makes them clear and understandable.
But what if we start from scratch? What if we explain how the whole adjectival concept is different in Japanese than in English? What if we show how not just “adjectives” (i-adjectives) and adjectival nouns (na-adjectives) but also verbs work as adjectives all the time in Japanese?
And how this is essential to the most basic structure of how Japanese works all the time.
Can we do all that in one short video? Yes we can.
Isn’t it terribly complicated? Not at all! It’s looking at them in the wrong way (the way the textbooks do) that makes it complicated.
Just sit back and let the whole thing become crystal clear!
You will find the worksheet to go along with this lesson right here. This will help you to consolidate the information and really understand it. It’s on my Patreon, but you don’t need to be a patron to access this worksheet.
The answer sheet is here but please don’t peep at it until you’ve completed the worksheet!
Using these tools you can cement your understanding of Japanese Adjectives.
Japanese Verb Groups and the Te-form, Ta-form
Japanese verb groups are very simple to understand, but I have found various people confused about them.
Calling them “u-verbs” and “ru-verbs” certainly doesn’t help! It’s one of the sillier things the textbooks have come up with. All verbs end in the u-sound but only a small number actually end in う. And more る (ru)-ending godan (so-called u-verbs) than there are る (ru)-ending ichidan (so called ru-verbs)!
Go-dan figure! So let’s take a simple, rational look at Japanese verb groups. You’ll be using them a lot, so it’s a good idea to get them right from the start.
And it’s not nearly as hard as the textbooks make it!
Japanese Verb Tenses: How past, present and future really work
Japanese verb tenses – the “past, present and future” can be confusing partly because standard explanations of even the English tense system is rather obscure and misleading.
If you’re reading this, then that probably doesn’t matter for you in English (though it confuses a lot of learners). But it muddies the waters of Japanese and makes the Japanese tenses seem more obscure than they need to be.
So how do we go about setting it all straight?
Easy. Let an android doll do it for you.
This video will make everything clear!
The Secret of the WA Particle! What it REALLY does
The WA particle is the most basic part of Japanese and the most misunderstood.
And because it is so fundamental, misunderstanding the wa particle means misunderstanding a large proportion of Japanese sentence structure itself.
The textbooks don’t help here. In fact they are responsible for much of the problem.
In this video Cure Dolly uses her celebrated train metaphor for Japanese sentence structure to show exactly how the wa particle really works.
What part of the train it is may well surprise you!
But once you understand that you will be able to see exactly what the wa particle really is.
Japanese Grammar Structure – the Core Secret
Japanese Grammar structure can seem confusing and complicated – but it isn’t!
It’s just the way it’s taught.
Right from the start there are some basic secrets you need to know that the textbooks and websites never tell you.
That’s why this course teaches Japanese xxx structure from scratch. It’s not just for beginners. It’s because in order to explain how Japanese really works we have to sweep away all the mental fuzz of textbook “Japanese grammar” and start again with the real thing.
If you’ve already learned some Japanese this course will open your eyes. If you haven’t, it’s the very best way to start.
In this second lesson we are able to get deeper into the Japanese Core Sentence, see how it really works and explain one vital secret that unlocks the real simplicity and regularity of Japanese grammar structure.
This lesson builds on the train metaphor and introduces the all-important “invisible Car” – the mysterious vehicle that takes the mystery out of Japanese grammar structure – because once you know it’s there it isn’t a mystery any more.
If you want to submit exercises, please post them on the comments section at YouTube.
Format for Japanese grammar structure exercises
1. The practice sentence (can be in full Japanese, hiragana or romaji)
If you use romaji you should place a hyphen between a particle and its noun to show that they are part of the same carriage.
or うたをうたう
or uta-wo utau
2. If there is an invisible carriage, please write the sentence a second time showing the zero pronoun and its particle (you can copy-paste the zero symbol from here).
or ∅がうたをうたう
or ∅-ga uta-wo utau
3. Give the English meaning (you can put the zero pronoun part in brackets)
(I) sing a song
Note: since there is no singular/plural distinction in Japanese grammar structure, “(I) sing songs” would also be correct.
Super-basic Japanese Vocabulary List
This is a list of very basic words that you can use to make simple sentences based on our free Japanese Made Easy Organic Japanese course.
This is very basic vocabulary that you can use for making simple A is B and A does B sentences after the first lesson. They are all written in hiragana and romaji. Please use hiragana if possible (if you can use any kanji or katakana where appropriate, of course feel free to do so).
うさぎ usagi rabbit
ひと hito = person
こ ko = child
とり tori = bird
おんな の ひと onna no hito = woman
おんな の こ onna no ko = girl
おとこ の ひと otoko no hito = man
おとこ の こ otoko no ko = boy
にほんじん Nihonjin = Japanese person
あめりかじん Amerikajin = American person
ふらんすじん Furansujin = French person
ぱん pan = bread (same as Spanish)
(Free gifts!)
ぺん pen = pen
あいすくりーむ aisu kuriimu = ice cream
たくしー takushii = taxi
けーき keeki = cake
あるく aruku = walk
とぶ tobu = jump/fly
うたう utau = sing
あかい akai = red
あおい aoi = blue
うれしい ureshii = happy
おいしい oishii = tasty, delicious
おもしろい omoshiroi = interesting, amusing
How Japanese Is Just Like English
One thing that intimidates people about Japanese is how different it is from English.
Yet many of the supposedly “complex rules” of Japanese work just like English.
A lot of things that are presented by the textbooks as if they were strange and complex rules in fact work very similarly to English and are much more easily understood once one realizes that.
Of course Japanese is not related to English, but since both are essentially dialects of Universal Grammar, there are many fundamental similarities.
Let’s look today at a point that sometimes puzzles people – because it is explained so unintuitively in the standard textbooks: Japanese absolute and relative time expressions.
To に or not to に
We are told (correctly) that Japanese generally uses the particle に when speaking of an event taking place at an absolute time (say, 3pm or Friday the 22nd) but omits it when speaking of an event taking place at a time relative to the present (say, this morning or last week or tomorrow).
The way it is expressed in standard descriptions it sounds as if we have a rather abstract rule to memorize, but in fact all we have to remember is that it works the same way as English. In English we use a preposition for absolute time expressions but not relative ones.
Let’s look at some examples:
nigatsu itsuka ni jagaimo wo tabeta
I ate potatoes on the fifth of February
Sanji ni jagaimo wo tabeta
I ate potatoes at three o’clock
Kesa jagaimo wo tabeta
I ate potatoes this morning
Ashita jagaimo wo taberu
I will eat potatoes tomorrow
You see, English leaves out the preposition (in, on or at) for all relative time expressions, just as Japanese leaves out に for all relative time expressions. It is just the same, except that Japanese is simpler because it always uses に, while English uses in, on or at depending on the particular time expression.
Now that really is an abstract rule that you just have to learn. If you speak Japanese and want to use English time expressions correctly it is a little complicated.
But if you speak English and want to use Japanese time expressions correctly, all you have to do is just what you do in English. Where you use a preposition in English use に in Japanese. Where you leave the preposition out in English, leave the に out in Japanese.
It is as simple as that. I wonder why it is often made to seem more complicated.
How Difficult is Japanese?
People sometimes ask things like “How difficult is Japanese really? Would I be better off learning French?”
Japanese is notoriously listed by the US State Department as one of the world’s most difficult languages, taking the longest number of study hours to learn. Are they right? How difficult is Japanese?
The truth is that Japanese is not an inherently difficult language.
Its grammar is logical and almost completely regular. French, like other Latin languages, has pages of irregular verbs. Japanese has just two irregular verbs plus a very small number of other minor irregularities.
The grammar, and to an extent the vocabulary, is modular in a way that European languages are mostly not. From basic rules you can build more complex sentences relatively easily. And sentences that look scary at first usually resolve down to combinations of the basic patterns you learned in the first few lessons.
A lot of the difficulty of Japanese grammar is artificial, and created by the illogical and confusing way the textbooks teach it. Unlocking Japanese can really clear away many of the obstacles to learning the language.
The pronunciation system is simple and easy to learn. A few things, like the R-sound are a bit hard for English speakers, but you can be understood without getting it exactly right (even just pronouncing it like an L), unlike many languages where subtle differences of consonantal sound can change the meaning of a word.
Inherently Japanese is not difficult. But it is not at all related to English or other European languages. So if your first language is English, learning French can be likened to learning to play badminton when you already play tennis. Learning Japanese is like learning Kendo with tennis as your “native sport”.
And then there are the kanji. No arguing them away. They are beautiful and fascinating and they make Japanese vocabulary make real sense in a way that other languages do not without a deep study of etymology.
But learning them is definitely a long job.
So, would you be better off learning French? If you are seriously asking that question, then the answer is definitely yes. What I mean is that if you just want to “learn a language” and French is as good for your purposes as Japanese, then absolutely. You will find French much easier, especially in the early stages.
But, and I say this from experience, the easiest language is the language you love.
Truly learning any language is a labor of love. It takes dedication and real immersion. If you want to learn to “get by” in a language, it isn’t that difficult. If you want to truly learn it, you have to live it, at least with part of your life. And that is a big, time-consuming commitment to any language, however “easy” it is.
I didn’t give that time to French, Spanish or German, because although they interested me I did not love them. I certainly had no reason or desire to give any significant part of my life to them.
Japanese is the language I love. I want to spend my life with it. I want to read books in it, play games in it, talk to friends in it. My ultimate dream is to create beautiful stories in it. When I try to speak other languages (and I live in a non-English-speaking country) Japanese comes out. Japanese is where my heart is.
So how difficult is Japanese? In many ways it is one of the easier languages I would say, but there are significant barriers to entry. It does take dedication, but then so does any language.
If you love Japanese and want to give a part of your life to it, you will find it far easier than an “easier” language that you don’t love. I know I do.
If you don’t love it, you may well be better off with French.
How difficult is Japanese? A surprising note on kanji
I am currently in Japan on a “no English” immersion adventure. This article was written in advance so that I could avoid using English.
However, something came up that is very relevant to this article and is a point no one seems to have noticed in discussions of the question of how difficult Japanese is.
Even people who like kanji “admit” that they make the language harder to learn. In the sense of raising the barrier to entry they do… but…
I was recently helping a Japanese person in Japanese with English vocabulary, and we were also discussing Japanese vocabulary, all from a Japanese perspective. And what I realized is how much harder it is to learn English vocabulary, because there are no kanji.
Once you have overcome the initial hurdle of kanji – and I by no means know all the Joyo kanji yet – new words start to make sense.
If someone says a sound to me and tells me it means such-a-thing, I find it very hard to associate the sound with the meaning by brute force. People with very audial minds of a certain kind (mine is in some ways audial) may do better.
In the last day or two, for example, I have been told, just in the course of life, the words 保護色 hogoshoku, (animal) camouflage and 転回 tenkai, revolution. I had actually been wanting the word for animal camouflage recently as it happened. Attaching these meanings to the sounds would be a difficult task for me and would likely involve putting them in Anki and eventually getting to know them.
However, because of kanji, they were really very easy. The minute I heard 保護色 hogoshoku I knew what the kanji must be from other words – there was no need to look them up – and it made perfect sense. Instead of “ah, so this random noise means this” I thought “Ah of course, so that’s how you say ‘(animal) camouflage’. That makes sense. I’ll know that now”. For 転回 tenkai, because it was on the fly, I actually made a couple of brute-force audio-learning attempts (“what was that word for revolution again?”) Then I looked it up on my tablet, realized what the kanji were and had no further trouble. No need for Anki.
When considering the question “How difficult is Japanese?” one is apt to find it hard to dispute the State Department figures. After all, they are in the business of training people to speak languages, so they presumably know how many hours it takes to teach one language rather than another – so one might think.
But there is more to it than that. The State Department’s approach is highly functional, I would imagine. Their job is to get people functioning in a language in the sphere they need it in as fast as possible. A kind of up-market “fluent in three months” approach.
This will tend (as to a lesser, but still marked, extent does a University language course) to produce “run before you walk Japanese”. People who can’t do up their shoelaces in Japanese but can discuss the Economic Situation (or whatever they have been trained to do).
A 16-year-old native Japanese speaker has learned what amounts to an average of 6 words every day of her life. For really learning Japanese, rather than learning about it, or how to “function” in it, one needs a lot of vocabulary.
Kanji make the early stages more challenging, but if you are going all the way (as most State Department trainees, I imagine, are not), in the long run kanji is a wonderful investment that makes Japanese much easier.
Also, current methods of teaching Japanese grammar – including presumably those used by the State Department – make it much harder than it needs to be. This is because they teach Japanese by methods that were developed for teaching European languages, that just don’t fit the simpler and more logical structure of Japanese.
All this is explained in Unlocking Japanese, where you can learn in an evening the secrets that will allow you to understand Japanese Grammar from a Japanese perspective, rather than a European perspective which makes the language seem much more confusing than it really is and presents all kinds of grammatical rules and exceptions that you “just have to learn”.
In fact, once you know how the language really works you see that there are very few exceptions and that multiple “rules” and “things you just need to learn” boil down to a few simple and logical principles.
Note to sharp-eyed readers. Yes I did notice that the book on this page’s illustration is about the psychology of love, not about the Japanese language, but as you see, it is relevant to my theme!
Basic Japanese Grammar: How to learn it

Basic Japanese Grammar is the key to learning Japanese online or anywhere else.
If you are learning Japanese online, we recommend immersion tactics like the Japanese-Subtitled Anime Method. Learning basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary won’t teach you the language. It will only teach you about the language.
To learn Japanese online (or anywhere) you need to use it, both passively and actively. Children don’t learn grammar by theory in their own language. They learn naturally and organically.
Can you do this? Yes. But you shouldn’t.
Why? Isn’t it the best way? Yes it is. But you still shouldn’t.
Why not? Because it takes thousands of hours and true immersion. That is why pseudo-immersion methods like Rosetta Stone don’t work.
People imagine that small children learn language quickly. They don’t. Think of how long they are “studying”. Almost every waking hour for years before they become “fluent”.
Also, small children have the massive advantage of not already knowing another language. You need something to make up for this. And since you have the disadvantage of knowing another language, you should leverage its (lesser) compensating advantages. The main, and only significant, one of those is your ability to learn grammar.
Grammar is a quick and dirty shortcut. But you should use it. It is going to help you enormously when you start to actually learn Japanese online by immersion methods.
How to Learn Basic Japanese Grammar Online
How do you learn basic Japanese grammar, and what do you need to learn? Let’s walk you through how we did it:
1. Watch my Japanese Structure course. I now have a course covering all the basics of Japanese structure. This cuts through all the fog and overcomplication of conventional Western “Japanese grammar” and shows you how this simple and beautiful language really works.
Please go carefully through this series in order. You may want to go back and re-watch some lessons. After the first 20 lessons you will have the core structure of Japanese and understand how the language fits together.
There are many more lessons after that going deeper and explaining various usages and expressions. But the first job is to make sure you have the core structure.
Even if you have looked at some textbooks and Japanese learning websites, I recommend going through this course from the beginning. It will clear up many of the complications and misconceptions of conventional “Japanese grammar”.
Please note that there are full subtitles for every video so if you find my android voice difficult to follow just turn them on (click the cogwheel button at the bottom right of the play window to find them).
You can watch the first episode right here on this page and find the full series here.
3. Get the Cheat Sheet! Download the Nihonshock basic Japanese grammar cheat sheet. It’s free (unlike the other Nihonshock products) and it is a work of genius. Get it, print it, laminate it and keep it with you at all times. It gives you the whole of basic Japanese grammar in one two-sided sheet (plus kana and basic kanji). At first it won’t all make sense, but as you learn grammar you can use it as a quick-check reference and brush-up learning tool all the time.
4. What about exercises? Textbooks have a lot of drill exercises. If they suit you you can use them. I didn’t (I never went to school and don’t understand exercises). Also you don’t have anyone to correct them. But you might need to drill some grammar points, notably verb and adjective so-called “conjugations”.
Once you’ve watched the first three lessons of the Organic Japanese series you may want to try the free worksheet here, which make you work through the logic of the language structure.
However the best way of grasping “conjugation” structure is to watch this video lesson which cuts through all the misinformation surrounding the subject and and gives you a “master chart” showing you how simply Japanese words fit together. This one video will cut weeks of the process of learning Japanese structure.
Also, read and re-read Unlocking Japanese, it is short but it will leave you knowing how things like Japanese particles, adjectives and tenses really work. Actually understanding in depth the is far better for your memory than brute-force drill-learning. And for some reason the textbooks never tell you these things.
But remember: What is going to make Japanese grammar stick in your long-term memory and become instinctive is not artificial exercises, but real encounters and use of it in anime, books conversation etc.
3. At what stage can I start learning Japanese, not just learning about it?
How dedicated are you? I started the anime method around the end of Genki 1 (the first 20 lessons of the structure course take you further than that). Did I have enough grammar by then? No. Not to understand everything, but enough to just barely manage. I watched Karigraushi no Arietty and it took hours. But I really loved it. I was moved to tears by Japanese words for the first time.
Let’s be frank. The anime method is not easy in the early days and you have to be pretty dedicated to use it, even if you leave it a bit longer. Any method of learning Japanese is tough unless you are prepared to learn at a snail’s pace and only know about Japanese at the end of it. If you want to do immersion you have to be ready to ganbaru.
Look, I’m a Precure/Ninja. Just tell me the mission. How much do I need to know?
OK, hero (and I mean hero). You need to know:
(Preferably some basic kanji – it’s good to start Alice in Kanji Land from early on)
The basic particles: wa, ga, wo, ni, he, to, de, mo, ka, no, mo
Plain present
Plain past (-ta form)
Plain negative
Plain past negative
-te form
Desu / da (the copula)
Masu form
Adjectives present, past, negative, past negative
All this is on your cheat sheet (you do have it printed and laminated, hero?) You won’t learn it from there but it will be your friend and companion once you have learned it. Keep Unlocking Japanese by your side too. It will help you to know what is really going on in the sentences you hear.
With this and some vocabulary and a huge machete (in the form of Jisho and a willingness to research phrases you don’t understand) you can start slogging through some simple subtitled anime. You will have to let some things go.
You can also wait till you know everything on the cheat sheet. I didn’t. Whether you do or not you should be continuing to learn basic grammar. You need the other helper verbs (so-called “conjugations” -you can probably manage without causative-passive. By the time it becomes an issue it will be logically obvious anyway) and the other things in the basic Japanese grammar texts.
Are you having problems? Need help? Any questions? Did I miss anything? Use the comment form below.